order to sell Pakistan Steels products profitably
and in an efficient manner the following procedures
have been adopted under the guidelines of our Marketing
Department. To ensure the smooth flow of our products
throughout the country and to acheive on-time deliveries
to our valued customers Pakistan Steel has established
Zonal Sales officies at strategic cities across Pakistan.

The zonal sales offices, incorporating
mordern computer facilities to promote sales, provide
a one window operation to our valued customers.
The available computer facilities
have been utilised to provide an "on-line computer
system" for the the production, marketing and
sales activities.
The existing system has been
made to work trouble free in this new world of globalisation.
The sale of Pakistan Steel products
take place through a systematic procedure which can
be summarised as follows:
Placement of orders by authorised
dealers (Traders and Consumers).
Signing of the contract with
the dealers on varification of the production. Adjustable
security amount Rs.50 and Rs.100 per metric ton
of the total amount of the contract is received
at the time of signing the contract.
On receipt of the Product transfer
Advice (PTA) for the production needed by Pakistan
Steel Product Stores (PSPS), the cleints are issued
NORs accordingly to make payment, receive delivery
and to lift the material within the stipulated period.
The prices prevalent at the time
of issuance D.O are charged.
Failure to lift the material
within the stipulated time makes the dealers liable
to forfeiture of the security amount paid at the
time of signing the contract at the sole discretion
of the seller.
In the current sales policy,
Pakistan Steel allows 1.5% trader dealer rebate.
However, consumers are given priority in allocation
of materials against their orders.